We have launched the Campaigns and Audience Lists BETA to enable customers to nurture and engage talent within their database. See Applicant Campaigns & Audience Lists (Beta) in our knowledge base to learn more.
Resumes can be viewed in the mobile app again.
Applicants can once again be advanced and declined in the mobile app.
Load time slowdowns within the platform have been addressed and returned to normal.
An issue causing unrelated comments to appear on candidate files has been corrected.
SkillSurvey responses are once again visible in the platform.
Indeed Sponsorship campaigns now indicate when they have expired.
An incident causing signed dates to appear incorrectly for some applications has been fixed.
An issue causing some applications to be missing the applied date and signature has been resolved.
The 'Schedule Interview' button no longer shows as 'Resend Invite' when an interview request has not yet been sent.
Message template titles can no longer be saved with a title that already exists.
Resumes will now be included when candidates are transferred to other jobs.
Requests to update missing information will no longer be automatically sent when candidates are transferred to other jobs.
Optional application fields are now visible to hiring managers even when the field is left blank by the applicant.
Incorrect dates will no longer appear when manually scheduling interviews.
The 'Create Invite' button to manually schedule interviews is visible once again.