3 April 2024

New 📱

New and Improved iOS and Android Mobile Apps are now available!

Hireology iOS app updates

Streamline login process with social single sign-on for easy access, enhance security with added protection, and ensure cross-platform consistency for efficient candidate management. Enable automatic updates for the latest version or manually update in the app store.

Android app updates

Review applicants from anywhere, communicate with candidates through email, text, or calls, collaborate with team members, track candidates easily, and update to the latest version on Android.

Download now for Android or iOS to start hiring faster today!

Learn More

Fixes 👷‍♀️

  • When an applicant applies to multiple open roles across different locations, they will be treated as separate applicants as intended.

  • Email templates with full details are now available when reaching out to a candidate.

  • Email subject and body fields will auto-populate when sharing a job via email as intended.

  • Completed background checks will now show as "Completed" on a candidates profile.