28 September 2023

New! Default SMS Templates
You can view, edit, or archive these templates by navigating to Settings, clicking Templates, and selecting Text Templates. They are also available for selection from the SMS templates dropdown menu.

Missing Information Automation Update
All application fields can now be edited by candidates when the missing information email is sent automatically or manually. To learn more, please see Missing Information.

Distinct Candidate Profiles Update
When an applicant applies multiple times to the same or different jobs, each application will contain details that are unique to that specific application. To learn more, check out Duplicate / Multiple Applications.


  • Background checks did not populate after being ordered.

  • Changes made to Career Site settings disappeared after leaving the page.

  • Applications could not be viewed when the application included custom questions.

  • Email templates for Hireology Referrals did not always save successfully after editing.

  • The interview confirmation template did not populate correctly when manually scheduling interviews.

  • FAQs in the Hireology Referrals chatbot did not display correctly when italics were used.

  • Correct capitalization had to be used in order to produce results when using the magnifying glass to search for candidates by name.

  • Offer letters could not be downloaded once the letter was signed.

  • Candidate messages disappeared from the Inbox when a candidate was declined.

  • Netchex could not be enabled on new accounts.

  • Incorrect disposition codes were being set when transferring a candidate to another job.

  • The option to text a candidate was available even when the candidate did not provide a phone number.